Questions? Call us at 815.344.4717
Email us at: [email protected]
Pantry Hours:
Tuesdays & Thursdays
9:00am - 11:30 am
3rd Tuesday of each Month
4:30pm - 6:30pm
Pantry Location:
3515 N. Richmond Rd. (Rt. 31)
Behind the Moose Lodge and across from the
McHenry Township Senior Services Center
Serving Our CommunityFISH of McHenry Food Pantry is an all volunteer service organization offering food assistance to both families and individual adults in need. Since the pandemic, we are not limiting service to certain areas and have no zip code restrictions at this time. Available are canned, boxed and dry foods, frozen and refrigerated foods, soaps, toiletries, paper products and other necessities. If you or someone you know is in need of help, please stop by to register during our regular hours.
No Appointment Necessary! Just Drive Up and Get in the Line of Cars! FISH of McHenry clients are allowed to receive food distributions once every 4 weeks. We are only serving outdoors in a drive up format. Clients remain in their cars and form a line. A volunteer provides a shopping list to each car of items that we try to continually keep in stock. (Printable versions of these forms are listed below.) Volunteers collect the lists and they get filled inside the pantry. Other items are generally available outside as additional choices. Please feel free to call the pantry if you have any further questions. How to Register to Receive Food Distributions: Currently, we are serving outdoors in a drive-up format with limited information for registration taken at your car. Photo ID's or proof of address are not required at this time. For Current Registration at FISH we need:
1. Name, Address and Birthdate of 1 adult (over 19 years) living in the household. 2. Names, Birthdates and Total Number of all Members living in the household. 2024 Printable Pantry Shopping List.pdf (English) 2024 Printable Pantry Shopping List.pdf (Spanish) FY25 Proxy Form.pdf (English) Proxy Forms: If you or someone in your household is unable to come to the pantry to register or to pick up your food, another person can register you and/or pick up your food distribution on your behalf. That person must bring a completed proxy form that includes your information and a signature from each of you. The proxy form is your authorizing signature. A new proxy form is required every time a food pick up is requested. Additional Proxy Forms and Pantry Order Forms are also available at the pantry. To qualify for receipt of government commodities, a household’s gross monthly income must be within the guidelines established by the Illinois Department of Human Services Income Guidelines for their family size. Clients are not required to provide proof of income or household size. All information is strictly confidential and only used for statistical purposes. Please feel free to call the pantry if you have any questions regarding eligibility.
Need Food Stamps or (SNAP)?The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the food stamp program, provides extra assistance to low-income families and individuals in the way of purchasing nutritious foods. Please check the home page of this website to see when the next time a SNAP representative will be visiting the pantry to assist with registering and eligibility. You may also click on the Illinois Link Card above to apply online to see if you qualify.
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD- 3027, USDA, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant's name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:1.mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or 2. fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or 3.
email:[email protected] This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
email:[email protected] This institution is an equal opportunity provider.